Land Entitlement

Our firm is at the forefront of local jurisdictions throughout the Western United States. Each jurisdiction, agency, and governing body have unique characteristics that only a firm with our extensive history and experience can adapt to. This experience includes securing entitlements for assets within our portfolio and partnering with landowners to obtain entitlements for their properties.

We understand the importance of community support and take pride in creating value through land use entitlement. We collaborate with a diverse range of partners to understand their investment goals, assess the costs and risks of entitlements, and then execute the process efficiently.

Typical sequential entitlements are as follows:

Adherence to the local and regional Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Plan

Engaging with the community

Various land development regulations/approvals that involve:

  • Site Plan or Site Design Review and Approval

  • Preliminary and Final Plat Approval

  • Civil Engineering Plans Approval

  • Other approvals depending on local regulations and conditions of the property

Permitting processes for vertical construction include:

  • Approval of Working Drawings / CDs

  • Issuance of Construction Permits

  • Approval of a Certificate of Occupancy

Entitlement Partnerships

VLR Capital Partners is committed to transforming land and repurposing outdated or obsolete properties into valuable assets by utilizing our expertise in land acquisition, entitlements, and development. We partner with and consult for investors, developers, and builders to navigate the intricacies of real estate projects. Our mission is to deliver outstanding results by leveraging industry knowledge and upholding our dedication to excellence and integrity and we stand by our convictions with the commitment of our own capital to these entitlement partnerships.

For more information, please contact us.