Newport Crossings


In 2018, Vittone in his role of Co-Managing Principal of Starboard Realty Partners (“Starboard”) bought an eight-building, 60,000 square-foot dilapidated retail center situated on 5.691 acres in Newport Beach for $19 million. This site, formerly known as MacArthur Square, is located less than 2 blocks away from and falls within the same community district (PC-11 – Newport Place Planned Community) wherein 1301 Dove Street is located.

In 2019, Starboard sought Site Development Review approval that would allow it to replace the then- existing MacArthur Square shopping center with a multistory, mixed-use building consisting of 350 rental apartment units called Newport Crossings. The project would also include 2,000 square feet of restaurant space and 5,500 square feet of retail space, and the development of a 0.5-acre public park dedicated to the city. Of the 350 residential units, 78 would be affordable and restricted to low-income households with incomes at or below 80 percent of the area median income adjusted for household size for a minimum of 30 years.

Despite the City of Newport Beach denying approval of a redevelopment application by the prior owner for the same site back in 2016, Starboard secured unanimous approval from Planning Commission in April 2020. Note that Site Development Review applications do not require city council approval. Starboard then began the plan check and permitting process before selling the entitled project in 2021 for $45 million.


Mile High Distribution Center


Caroline at Ralston